Biomechanical assessment involves looking at the architecture and alignment of the foot compared to the ground and the body. Key terms used are pronated and supinated feet.

A Pronated foot is one that appears flat when standing.
Three components of pronated feet are:

  1. The heel rolls in.
  2. The arches flatten.
  3. The foot turns outward.

The pronated foot is best treated with custom foot orthotics designed to lift the arches and keep the heel square to the ground. They are usually of rigid or semi-rigid construction.

A Supinated foot is one that appears high arched when standing.
Three observations are made:

  1. The heel rolls out.
  2. The arches are high.
  3. The foot turns in.

The supinated foot is best treated with custom foot orthotics designed to reduce the pressure on the heel and ball of the foot area. They are usually of semi-rigid construction with extra cushioning.


Orthotics is a term applied to devices that treat foot and leg problems.

Foot orthotics [F.O.] are devices that are placed inside the shoes. They can be rigid, semi-rigid and soft. Ankle-foot orthotics [A.F.O.] are devices that attach to the foot and ankle and are used with shoes. AFO’s and F.O.’s can be used to correct or maintain alignment, rest or cushion the feet.


Soft Tissue Surgery- includes ingrown nails & wart removal, and is performed in the office when ingrown toenails and warts have failed to resolve with non-surgical treatment. The procedures are performed with sterile instruments. The procedures require local anesthesia.


Foot problems commonly develop in people with diabetes and can rapidly escalate into severe issues. When foot problems surface, immediate treatment is best to avoid developing serious complications. Be careful as even minor issues like split or peeling skin, blisters, or calluses may need to be examined.


Dr. Comfort™ shoes are off-the-shelf orthopedic shoes designed to meet the needs of diabetics and those requiring shoe modifications.
They come in all sizes, from narrow to extra-wide. Some models are extra-depth to accommodate orthotics or deformities.


Our chiropodist can provide comprehensive care and support in facilitating the process of healing your foot wounds due to diabetic complications and a host of other foot related conditions.


Your feet are very vulnerable to injury from over exertion, returning to activity too soon after an injury or for those just beginning to run. Some common injuries include achilles tendinitis, muscle pull, ankle sprain, and blisters to name a few. If you are in need of some relief, our chiropodist can help.